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A desdobradora da MIDA. Assente numa robusta estrutura sobredimensionada, a SFD900 tanto está à vontade a trabalhar numa carpintaria ou numa serração. Pode desdobrar vigas, pranchas, costaneiros, em ângulo, tudo o que se pode esperar duma máquina a sério.


A MIDA SFD900 conta com alguns atributos que a distinguem da concorrência, como o chassis de grande resistência, os volantes em ferro fundido, o travão pneumático de disco com pinça dupla, o variador electrónico de velocidade e o tensionamento hidráulico da fita de serra.


Technical specifications


Flywheel diameter diameter…………………………….……                         915        mm

Flywheel width …………………………………..…………………                         90          mm

Max. width of the blade.…….……………………….……..…                          100        mm

Max. blade thickness…... ………...……………………………                          1,0         mm

Min. blade thickness………………………………………….…                          0,8         mm

Max. length of the blade...………….……………………..…                          5.570    mm

Min. length of the blade……………….……………………..                           5.470    mm

Speed of the blade…………..………………………..………....                          30          m/s

Max depth of cut ……………………….…………………………                         380        mm

Max. opening of the feed rollers to the saw line………….                230        mm

Max. opening between the roller fence  and the saw line..           305        mm

Diameter of the feed roller………………………………….                           204        mm

Working height …...............…………………………….…….                            950        mm

Fence tilting……….. ……………………………………..………                            0-45º

Main motor power………………………………………..…….                            15Kw

Feed motor power………………………………………………                            0,75Kw

Feed speed …………………………………………………………                            5 - 40    m/min

Diameter of the exhaust hood….. ……………………….                            180        mm

Machine height………. ……………………………….……….                             2.340   mm

Machine length……….. ………………….…………………..                               1920     mm

Machine width………………………….……………………….                              900        mm

Machine weight. …………………......….……………………                              1.900    kg



* Customized motor power ratings are available under request *


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